
Showing posts from August, 2015

Learning on Youtube by Subject

Science: MinutePhysics minutephysics?feature=watch  NationalGeographic NationalGeographic/videos  TEDEducation TEDEducation/videos DiscoveryNetworks DiscoveryNetworks/videos  AnimalPlanetTV AnimalPlanetTV/videos Sick Science: SteveSpanglerScience Videos and cool science experiments from Steve Spangler and Crash Course Chemistry: playlist?list= PL8dPuuaLjXtPHzzYuWy6fYEaX9mQQ 8oGr Crash Course Astronomy: playlist?list= PL8dPuuaLjXtPAJr1ysd5yGIyiSFuh 0mIL SpaceLab: spacelab Can plants survive beyond Earth? Can proteins observed in space reveal the mysteries of life? These questions and more get answered by SpaceLab, a YouTube channel created by Google and Lenov

"Reading" and "Math" are Poisoning Our Children

I've been homeschooling using an eclectic approach for six years now (longer if you "count" preschool years), and I recently began tutoring schooled kids in reading. I find the way these brick-and-mortar-schooled students relate to reading to be heart breaking. Our country's acountability movement - where teachers' abilities are based on their students' growth measured by averages and generalities - is harming our children. They see themselves as stupid failures. Their parents, caught in the net of standardization, cause more harm by saying things in front of them like, "I don't know what happened. I think he's just lazy." The problem in schools isn't teachers' abilites. It isn't lazy children. It isn't too little or too much government control. The problem is that we have lost sight of what learning is really about. Imagine a scene where a mom comes to pick her daughter up from soccer practice. The coach hands Mom a piece o