Homeschooling Books Recommended by Clea Danaan

Here are a few books to get you thinking about creative and eclectic homeschooling.

“This is a beautifully written, honest, introspective, soul-revealing, and soul-stirring account of one family’s choice to live close to nature and to allow their children to learn naturally, without school, in a self-directed manner.  The book’s biggest message, I think, is that we do have choices; we can chart our own lives, we don't have to follow the crowd if we don’t want to.”—Peter Gray, Research Professor at Boston College and author of Free to Learn
___________________________ essence of John Holt’s insight into learning and small children is captured in Learning All The Time. This delightful book by the influential author of How Children Fail and How Children Learn shows how children learn to read, write, and count in their everyday life at home and how adults can respect and encourage this wonderful process. For human beings, he reminds us, learning is as natural as breathing. John Holt’s wit, his gentle wisdom, and his infectious love of little children bring joy to parent and teacher alike.
A new and updated comprehensive guide to homeschooling education for bright and talented children that gives parents essential information, including: tips for getting started; advice on social and emotional needs; homeschooling approaches and learning styles; pros, cons, and expectations of homeschooling; curriculum resources; research on and traits of gifted and creative learners; considerations for budgeting, planning, and record keeping; and practical strategies from real homeschoolers to help your homeschooling process go smoothly! New edition on the right. The older edition is also very helpful and is the copy I own.


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